Most stomach cancers develop in the cells found in the lining of the stomach. The prognosis is usually grim because the cancer isn’t detected early enough and is hard to diagnose in its early stages. Early symptoms include heartburn, upper abdominal pain, nausea, and loss of appetite. Later symptoms may include weight loss, yellow skin, vomiting, difficulty swallowing and blood in the stool.

Stomach cancer mostly affects older people with two-thirds being over age 65. Your risk also may be higher if you are a man, have had stomach inflammation, smoke cigarettes, eat a lot of salted, smoked or pickled foods or have a family history of stomach cancer.

Stomach cancer that is diagnosed in the later stage can qualify for disability under the Compassionate Allowance provision. Compassionate Allowance fast tracks your claim through the Social Security system. What this means is that you don’t have to undergo the standard disability claim process which can take years. Medical records and written statements from treating physicians can all increase your chances of an approval. Poor documentation and treatment could hinder receiving disability under the Compassionate Allowance guidelines.

If your stomach cancer doesn’t fulfill the Compassionate Allowance criteria, but you have symptoms and limitations that prevents you from working, you may be able to get a Medical-Vocational Allowance. Extreme weight loss, common with stomach cancer, can cause significant fatigue that severely impacts your ability to work. Although Social Security prefers a diagnosis based on a biopsy, blood tests, endoscopy, fecal occult blood test (looks for blood in the stool) and a CT scan could be enough to prove the severity of your stomach cancer.

Please call us or complete the contact form if you have any questions or wish to apply for Social Security Disability.
For more information, please call:
(585) 663-6333
We are happy to answer your questions or to talk to you about your best course of action.

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